Reggae Scales for Bass

Reggae Scales for Bass don't really exist! In most reggae the major and minor scales are common.

Major Scale

Minor Scale

In reggae, the beat that is most important is the "3. Accenting this note will really help with giving a bass line a Reggae feel. Less is more so keep it simple.

The Root, 5th and octave are solid for building reggae lines. The low 5th blow the octave is also used a lot. Melody and rhythm play a huge part. Pausing and giving an off beat feel can also make it sound better.

A great technique for giving a more reggae feel is to palm mute the strings. You do this by laying the side of non fretting hand across the strings lightly. Close to the bridge works well. You then play using your thumb.

Another way to give your tone a loose feel is to play up near the neck or even over it. Experiment will what you find works best for you.

I will explore everything I have mentioned in more detail in future lessons.

I hope this gives you a good idea of you to get started with reggae scale for bass.